Slow Down And Start Living With Yoga

Submitted by: Vanessa Stoessel

In a world that continuously keeps spinning faster, where the pace of our everyday life is increasing, it can feel as if there are not enough hours in a day to accomplish tasks and that we are in a constant race to catch up with life as opposed to truly living it. People are looking for outlets to distract themselves from the daily frustrations of work, relationship troubles and financial stress. Sleep deprivation, unhealthy diet, extra pounds and mood swings are all too familiar for most. How can we get out of this uncomfort zone how can we improve our quality of life? The secret? – Yoga!

The millions of people who take up the practice of yoga everyday can see its endless benefits. To ask what the benefits of yoga are is almost comparable to ask what the benefits of water are. Like the liquid of life, yoga can be essential in improving your physical well-being and improving your quality of life.

But let s get down to it how can yoga really improve your life?


The physical benefits of yoga on the body are the easiest for one to observe. Practicing yoga for a length of time will increase your strength, flexibility, and posture, giving you a more naturally balanced body that you can be comfortable with. Yoga poses called asanas, gently and safely stretch your joints and muscles, releasing any tension you might have in your body as well as giving your joints youthful fluidity.

Some styles of yoga such as Ashtanga and power yoga are more spirited than others and will be more on the physically demanding scale as opposed to the mentally demanding forms of yoga. These yoga styles are demanding exercises that keep you burning off those unwanted calories while giving you the figure you have always dreamt about. Other styles focus more on mental rather than physical strengths, but no matter which type of yoga you find best suited for you, you will sure realize that yoga is the fountain of youth everyone has been looking for.

The less obvious benefit of yoga that might not seem evident at first but that is no less essential is its ability to improve your daily quality of life. The breathing techniques it teaches allows you to improve your mental capacity to concentrate as well as helping you to reduce your stress level which is easily heightened in the daily grind. Studies have also shown that yoga can be incredibly effective in fighting heart disease. The breathing technique that is taught with yoga has the exceptional ability to reduce one s heart rate and blood pressure. This is ideal for people suffering from hypertension, heart disease, and stroke. But most of call the benefits of yoga that are invisible to the unopened third eye, are happiness, feelings of gratitude and a heightened sense of awareness.

If after reading about all these benefits you re thinking well, if yoga is comparable to water, why couldn t I just drink a few glasses of H20 and get the same effect? The upside about yoga is that it is more portable and more sustainable than water – you can take your knowledge and practice of yoga anywhere you go, and no one can take it away from you. Throw your mat down on the desert sands in Jordan, practice pranayama on a secluded island in Thailand, or simply hold the lessons of peace in your heart and mind while meditating on a mountaintop in Peru and you will reap the benefits of a healthy and happy life.

More information about the yoga teachers and Yoga teacher training can be found to their website:

About the Author: More information about the yoga teachers and Yoga teacher training can be found to their website:


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