Reputation Changer: Improve Your Reputation By Removing Negative Google Listings

By Kevin T. Scott

When it comes to your online reputation, you cannot afford to take any chances. Today’s market is highly competitive and one stain on your professional appearance could potentially cause you to lose everything. Whether you are an individual looking out for your best interest or the representative of an organization hoping to further increase the success of your company or cause, having a great online reputation is one of the most important steps to victory in the marketing and public relations fields. Unfortunately, online reputations are easily ruined by competitors and others who post negative content about your or your organization on the Internet. Luckily, can help you turn around any reputation to restore a positive appearance in the eyes of the public.

ReputationChanger is the leading company in the public relations industry. In fact, Reputation Changer was awarded the 2010 Best Reputation Management Service Award by Public Relations Magazine, which is considered the premiere authority on all things PR. As a company, Reputation Changer has changed the face of the industry by forging a new path– one that has led straight to the Internet. Because the World Wide Web is basically an open forum, anyone can slander an individual or company and ruin their good standing with the public, whether they are justified in their harmful words or not. Many competitors that cannot fairly compete with other companies in their industry resort to this, but thanks to Reputation Changer their words do not have to be everlasting.


The purpose of managing your online reputation is to ensure that when people go looking for information about you or your company they find positive content. Google is the most popular search engine on the Internet, so focuses on Google search results and measures its success against them. Google’s search engine, when given a keyword, looks for that keyword all over the Internet. When the search results are relayed to the user the first page of results contains the most reliable information, taken from the biggest and longest-standing websites. Social networking, press release distribution, and article base websites are often the top contenders. When you work with Reputation Changer these top spots are cleared of negative content and replaced with positive information that enhances your internet reputation.

How? It is simple. Reputation Changer’s expert writers and PR strategists draft articles, press releases, and social media profiles. These resources are submitted to the large article bases, press release distributors, and social networking sites that often show up on the first page of a Google search. When these appear, the negative content gets pushed back further and further, until it is so far back on the Google results list that no one pays attention to it.

No one can afford to risk their online reputation. Potential employers, clients, and supporters all look at your online information before deciding whether or not to hire you, invest in your company, or help spread awareness of your cause. Reputation Changer is a great resource for anyone looking to improve the health of their online reputations.

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