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By Banjo Smyth
How many times have you heard someone say “I want to be rich”? Unfortunately 99% of people who I hear talking about how they want to be rich will NEVER achieve their goal. Why?
When most people say ‘I want to be rich’ they don’t actually believe that they can ever achieve this goal. Let’s face it, if they don’t believe in themselves then what hope do they have of ever achieving anything.
Another reason why ‘I want to be rich’ prayers are rarely answered is because most people don’t actually know what being rich is? This may sound like a weird concept but have you ever taken the time to clearly define what being rich is? Well if you are serious about becoming rich then it is time that you sat down and figured out what being rich actually means to you.
What are your reasons for wanting to be rich?
– Don’t have to work
– Get to spend your time exactly how you want to
– Travel the World
– Help others
– Spend more time with your family
– Not have to worry about money
– Never have to say “I can’t afford that” again
All of these answers are very typical for someone who has just proclaimed “I want to be rich” but how come most people never get close to achieving any of these goals?
The reason most people never actually become rich is the exact same reason why most people never achieve any of their big goals. First of all they don’t ever define what their goals actually are and second of all they don’t believe that they can achieve them. One of my all time favorite quotes sums this up perfectly
‘Whether you think you can or can’t, either way you are right’Henry Ford
Most people overestimate how much money you need to retire from your job You don’t actually need 10 million dollars to live your dreams, unless of course your dreams include a private Learjet. So next time you say ‘I want to be rich’ don’t leave it at that – instead follow these steps below and who knows one day you might even become rich.
Step One:
Think about why you want to be rich
Step Two:
Think about how much money/equity you would need to live these dreams
Step Three:
Decide what is the best way to achieve this equity – Business, Shares, Property?
Step Four:
Knowledge, Knowledge, Knowledge – Research your chosen field
Step Five:
Create a plan – Saying I want to be rich is NOT a plan
Step Six:
Follow the plan
Like most things that you do, becoming rich is 90% in your mind. Rather than looking for miracles I recommend that you start by following the above steps and working on your mind. Next time you hear someone say “I want to be rich” why don’t you ask them why? And what do they consider the definition of being rich? So before you start yelling ‘show me the money’ I recommend that you start thinking about exactly why you want to be rich.
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