Health Insurance Assurance For Medical Emergencies

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Health Insurance Assurance for Medical Emergencies


Kirti Saxena

Medical emergency may occur at any time and might call for long term and immediate treatment, even leading to hospitalization many times. Of all the risks for people, health risks are high now-a-days. Due to the hectic lifestyles, busy work culture, unbalanced diet etc, health risks is increasing gradually even among youngsters. We have to be prepared for the medical expenses as they may occur unforeseen. A study shows that almost 6 % of annual income is spent towards medical treatment per Indian and it varies till 37 % based on the severity of the disease.

On the other side, the medical expenses and other hospital & surgical expenses are exorbitantly high. Many people would not be able to afford it and if it is a sudden expense, then they would be taken to toss. To avoid all these, you would need to take a good health insurance.

A good health insurance should have some value additions to attract people and also to sustain in the competitive market, other than the basic factors. Few such value additions which you need to look out for in an insurance plan are.

1. Domiciliary Expenses


Not all health insurance policies would cover the domiciliary expenses. Medical expenses other than hospitalization and surgery expenses come under domiciliary expenses, which means even if you are not admitted to the hospital but still getting treated for some medical ailment. Some insurance companies cover even the domiciliary expenses of the insured which surely is a benefit to the customers.

2. Age factor

Certain insurance companies would have given a certain slab of age limit for getting into the policy. A good policy should have different slabs for age limits such as children, adults, senior citizens, etc. In such cases you would be able to choose the required plan as per your age.

3. Pre-existing conditions

Pre-existing medical conditions would not be covered in many policies. Renowned insurance companies have brought out new plans which would cover pre-existing ailments as well. Diseases such as Diabetes, cholesterol, Blood pressure or any other condition can be covered and brought under medical cover.

4.TPAs and Non-TPA

Verify if the insurance provider is a TPA or non TPA. TPA is third party companies which outsource the work from the insurance companies. Also ensure that the TPAs are authorized and genuine companies as well. Otherwise there are lots of chances of getting cheated to some fraudulent companies.

Once you have got these pointers right, you can be assured that you have got the best insurance plan and assured your medical future.

Kirti Saxena, Content developer for finance & other domains. For more information:

Health Insurance


Family Health Insurance

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