Jun 04

Tips For Giving Feedback In A Positive Manner

By Ryan Scholz

Managers are always giving feedback. It can be to people who report to them, to peers, or even bosses. The ability to give feedback in a positive manner is an essential skill for building positive relationships in today’s business world.

An exercise I do with most of the groups that I work with is to have each person in the group to identify one strength and one opportunity for improvement for each other person in the group. When I introduce this activity, I usually get substantial resistance. Often members of the group don’t want to be put into a position of ‘criticizing’ others. I remind them that the assignment is not to criticize, but rather just give people some observations about things that would help them to do better.


Once we get into the activity, the reservations and resistance quickly disappear. I find that when people approach this feedback with a certain attitude, that the process becomes positive. The first attitude is that they must own the feedback that they are giving. I insist that the person giving the feedback look at the other person. The feedback must be preceded by the word ‘I’. The feedback is based on personal observations, not hearsay from others. If a manager cannot verify feedback with their own experiences, it should not be given to the other person.

The second attitude is that the feedback is intended to help the other person, not make them feel bad or embarrass them. When people perceive that the person giving them feedback has their interest at heart, they are much more likely to accept the feedback. An important trait that high performance teams possess is the ability to give everyone on the team feedback that will help the team to improve.

The third attitude is that in order to give feedback, you must be willing to receive feedback. The group exercise is designed so that each person experiences giving and receiving feedback. This sets the tone for the entire relationship. After each person hears their strengths and weaknesses from the other group members, they are asked to summarize what they heard, without either agreeing or disagreeing. Too many discussions between bosses and subordinates are one way – the boss gives feedback without asking for or accepting feedback from the subordinate.

The final attitude that I find is feedback that is simple, clear, and specific has the most impact. I once had a person who worked for me who had a bad habit of firing off a strongly worded email when he got upset with someone. Rather than lecture him on this, I drew a picture of a hand grenade with the red circle around it and a red line through the circle. The message was ‘no hand grenades allowed’. He fully understood my feedback and actually posted the picture in his office as a reminder. I find in the group sessions that people inject humor and laughter as they give feedback, particularly the areas for improvement. The person gets the message in a positive manner.

About the Author: Ryan Scholz works with leaders whose success is dependent on getting commitment and high performance from others. He is author of Turning Potential into Action: Eight Principles for Creating a Highly Engaged Work Place. For more information, visit his web site at





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Feb 04

Website Design And Hosting : How To Launch A Website?

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Website design and hosting : How to launch a Website?


Chris B Kelly

Making a magnetic web site for your business is a key part for accomplishing victory in your field. On the other hand, many entrepreneurs don\’t control the aptitudes important for making an engaging, useful site. Some may attempt to make their own particular utilizing one of the many non specific, treat cutter website builder site makers like Weebly, Wix, or Webs; however these regularly don\’t turn out the way one might like. So what is an entrepreneur to do? One of the best alternatives is to contract a Web Design Company expert site plan organization to manufacture and look after a site for your business.

In the event that you need to study how to begin a site, then be ready to pay. Regardless of what you read on the web, you won\’t profit on the web gratis. It will need you and one of the traps of web advertising is to keep that cost to a base when you can least manage the cost of it and pay more once your business is great.


Website design and hosting differs over a wide decision of hosting administrations, and you can pick the sort of administration you need. In the event that you are smart you won\’t need to pay that, however wouldn\’t it be great if we could take a gander at what included in that cash? I am not set to detail the price of each thing, just record them, and assuming that you can get that part for under $1000 you are finishing admirably.

Wouldn\’t it be great if we could accept you have an item to offer (your own or some person else) or an administration to offer, and need to assemble a site to advertise your business and profit from it. That is the reason you are all hands on deck, all things considered, to profit, so you will make more than you use. Just around 1 out each 100 who begin really succeeds in profiting. They may make $50 yet use $50 finishing it, so they aren\’t profiting. Here\’s what you will need:

Website developers who can help you set up the website for your business to start. A web host: some person that offers you the web space to store your indexes and a method of associating with the World Wide Web. The web is not the web. The web is similar to the phone lines and the web has all the phones you can join with. Your host permits you to make these associations, and will charge you a month to month or yearly cost. Which of the accompanying incorporated relies on the site hosting plan bundle you pick.

Provided that you are a possessor of a business site and you are not getting enough comes back from that, and thinking to do a few progressions by which your guests will transform into your clients then you have an alternative to contract online shop advancement organizations to get your necessities. They additionally give custom e-commerce solutions administration to the existing website owner. Web engineers met and proficient to give you this administration totally viably and productively. They have ability and aptitudes to transform guests into clients by their exceptional rules.

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Website design and hosting


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