Apr 24

Why Have Online House Sharing Agreement Services Become Popular?}

Why have Online House Sharing Agreement Services Become Popular?


James WalshHouse Sharing is defined as renting out of property jointly by a group of people. They agree to pay the rent for a fixed duration of time including all utility bill payments and property Council Tax. Typically, the house sharing agreement contains:

  • The percentage of rent payable by each co-tenant
  • The duration of tenancy
  • The percentage of deposit to be paid by each co-tenant
  • The facilities to be made available to all the tenants
  • Rights and responsibilities of the landlord
  • Rights and responsibilities of all the tenants
  • The notice period

Changing British Society:

The Halifax Indicator shows that more than 74 percent of house sharing agreements are signed by local and international students. In fact, University Accommodation services at Bristol and Bath University recommend this type of tenancy. A house sharing tenancy assures:

  • less expenses
  • company
  • safety

University Accommodation services claim that usually a group of full-time students gets together and enters into a house sharing tenancy agreement. However, as social Psychologist, Day, points out students prefer to use the online method while entering into a house sharing tenancy agreement. Students are concerned with their studies and prefer to get settled in a house without hassle and wastage of time. Online method has the following advantages:

  • Students find physically going to a solicitor and drawing up the house sharing agreement a tedious task
  • Students are usually categorised to be ‘below the poverty line’ in the UK. They cannot afford to hire a lawyer and the expenses of travelling.
  • Students are often unaware of housing and tenancy laws. They do not understand legal jargon and documentation clauses. Online agencies provide guides and support
  • Online agencies also provide students with the convenience of entering into a ‘Roommate Agreement’ ensuring that the terms of tenancy and property responsibilities are clear between the tenants.
  • An online house sharing agreement also provides a content insurance policy for the landlord and the tenants. This insurance policy ensures that the correct person liable for any theft is rightly charged with the payment.
  • Students have easy accessibility to the Internet and can secure house sharing agreements online.

Online House Sharing Agreements usually are student-friendly. Online agencies understand that a major part of their profit comes from students. Usually online agencies such as tenancy- agreement



provide house sharing advice to students:

  • Always take a friend or a responsible acquaintance when viewing the property premises. Online agencies state that often students are duped into entering house sharing tenancy agreements for properties other than the one viewed.
  • Be positive and knowledgeable about tenancy facts of deposit and rental advance. The two terms are different from each other. Prospective tenants have to pay a month’s rent as advance and a deposit amount of six weeks rent.
  • Always read the tenancy agreement. Online agencies provide solicitor-drafted agreements coupled with a definition sheet of tenancy terms. Online agency solicitors prepare tenancy agreement clauses which are in compliance with the 1988 UK Housing Act.
  • Online agencies also make sure that a content insurance cover is provided by the landlord.
  • The legal team of the online agency ensures that the house sharing tenancy agreement is constructed in the present tense outlining the rent, duration and the notice period.
  • Online house sharing agreement services also ensure that the prospective tenants are not liable for any existent or naturally occurring property damage. Online agencies make sure that the landlord agrees to a repair clause.
  • The agency advises prospective tenants to keep a record of all rent payments.

The prospective tenant has to visit an online house sharing agreement agency’s website and fill in the application form with the vital and required information. The information is then verified by the online agency’s legal experts. The house sharing agreement is drafted and emailed to the individuals for revision. On editing, the deed is sent back to the agency.The online agency contacts the respective landlord and after obtaining his/ her consent, the deed is finalised. The house sharing online agreement is a legally binding document. Thus, both parties have to sign the agreement in front of the online agency’s solicitor. The agreement is duly signed by the lawyer and stored. As the tenancy period ends, the agreement’s notice and deposit clauses come into fore. The online agency ensures that the tenants get their deposits back. Thus, online house sharing agreement services have made tenancy agreements easier. The future of these online agencies is largely dependent on the rate of student infiltration in the country.

James Walsh is a freelance writer and copy editor. To download a legally binding

House Share Agreement

, see http://www.houseshare-agreement.co.uk

Article Source:


Mar 26

I Want To Be Rich But I Don’t Know Why?

By Banjo Smyth

How many times have you heard someone say “I want to be rich”? Unfortunately 99% of people who I hear talking about how they want to be rich will NEVER achieve their goal. Why?

When most people say ‘I want to be rich’ they don’t actually believe that they can ever achieve this goal. Let’s face it, if they don’t believe in themselves then what hope do they have of ever achieving anything.

Another reason why ‘I want to be rich’ prayers are rarely answered is because most people don’t actually know what being rich is? This may sound like a weird concept but have you ever taken the time to clearly define what being rich is? Well if you are serious about becoming rich then it is time that you sat down and figured out what being rich actually means to you.

What are your reasons for wanting to be rich?

– Don’t have to work

– Get to spend your time exactly how you want to

– Travel the World


– Help others

– Spend more time with your family

– Not have to worry about money

– Never have to say “I can’t afford that” again

All of these answers are very typical for someone who has just proclaimed “I want to be rich” but how come most people never get close to achieving any of these goals?

The reason most people never actually become rich is the exact same reason why most people never achieve any of their big goals. First of all they don’t ever define what their goals actually are and second of all they don’t believe that they can achieve them. One of my all time favorite quotes sums this up perfectly

‘Whether you think you can or can’t, either way you are right’Henry Ford

Most people overestimate how much money you need to retire from your job You don’t actually need 10 million dollars to live your dreams, unless of course your dreams include a private Learjet. So next time you say ‘I want to be rich’ don’t leave it at that – instead follow these steps below and who knows one day you might even become rich.

Step One:

Think about why you want to be rich

Step Two:

Think about how much money/equity you would need to live these dreams

Step Three:

Decide what is the best way to achieve this equity – Business, Shares, Property?

Step Four:

Knowledge, Knowledge, Knowledge – Research your chosen field

Step Five:

Create a plan – Saying I want to be rich is NOT a plan

Step Six:

Follow the plan

Like most things that you do, becoming rich is 90% in your mind. Rather than looking for miracles I recommend that you start by following the above steps and working on your mind. Next time you hear someone say “I want to be rich” why don’t you ask them why? And what do they consider the definition of being rich? So before you start yelling ‘show me the money’ I recommend that you start thinking about exactly why you want to be rich.

About the Author: If you want to be rich then the easiest way to achieve this goal is to become an investor. SharesPropertyMoney.com is giving away a Free Investment DVD to the first 1000 visitors.


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Oct 30

St Louis Mortgage: Loan Modification Not Nearly As Lucrative As A Foreclosure

By Floyd J. Tapia

Millions of dollars have been enjoyed by numerous companies for simply approving home sales for less than the owed balance. This is also known as a type of short sale.

The United States Treasury department has been paying $1500 for each loan file that is modified. These companies also handle the collection of mortgage payments and requests for assistance.

These companies or servicers can also get $1,000 for each loan modification completion under the government’s modification program and additional stipends over a period of three years if borrowers stay current on their new mortgage payments.

But the problem has become that there will not be enough time nor man power to save the millions of homes where loan payments are in arrears more than 90 days nor do St Louis finance professionals feel there are enough incentives to accomplish this task.

The payouts provided by the Obama administration’s bailout programs don’t come close to what servicers will earn by choosing to foreclose instead.

In fact, “the incentives being offered by the government are small compared to the counter-incentive of foreclosure” so says chief economist Diane Swonk from Mesirow Financial.

Many feel that since the lending industry has its own set of incentives, you can’t tell people to do something that’s not in their best financial interest, especially in an market that is still struggling.


Now it seems, according to Swonk, that free enterprise even in a downturn economy such as ours can rightfully advocate greed over doing what is morally right and in the best interest of the St Louis mortgage owner.

And yes, this has become a double-edged sword so to say. The second quarter of 2009 showed that modified homeowners has missed at least one loan payment as reported by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Office of Thrift Supervision.

The statistics go on to show that a total of twenty-four percent of St Louis home loans modified in that same period were 90 days or more overdue.

Some now say that loan modifications do not work while others insist that we need more time to see how this plan unfolds before throwing in the proverbial towel.

Marie McDonnell, owner of Truth in Lending Auditing & Recovery Services in Orleans, Massachusetts suggests that these servicers are not really losing money when a re-default occurs.

If the homeowner fails to meet the terms of their new loan modification and the property isn’t approved for a short sale under the HAFA program, then servicers can proceed with a foreclosure and recoup all their money when the property is sold.

And since there is more money to be made with a foreclosed property, the majority of servicers will go the as many say the immoral route and not help save the homeowner’s property.

Once a loan is 90 days or more overdue, servicers can charge processing and foreclosure fees along with markups for attorneys, appraisers and other associated services.

Keep in mind this does not include any and all monthly late fees that can run as high as 5 percent of the mortgage payment.

Let’s talk about numbers for a moment. A $195,000 home going into foreclosure could bring approximately $11,000 in income for these servicers.

Rumors have it that on the average, servicers can easily make 10 times the amount more than any of the government stipends being offered by simply foreclosing on the house.

The sad thing is mortgage investors will take a loss from a foreclosure or a short sale, but not the servicers. As mentioned earlier, they get paid regardless because they are first in line to be paid from the proceeds of the home sale.

This unfortunate situation was only made worse when politicians rejected new legislation designed to allow bankruptcy judges to reduce mortgage balances and interest rates to help such homeowners.

The provisions know as the ‘cram-down’ law would have allowed judicial modified loans which in essence would have given better terms to the consumer to make it easier to continue with their mortgage payment.

This new legislation would have prevented servicers from using greed and financial gain in deciding who gets a loan modification and who goes into foreclosure. One has to stop and think was there any real hope for stopping this mortgage crisis in the first place.

About the Author: When a consumer wants to know more about a St Louis mortgage home loan, they visit Floyd J. Tapia’s site at http://www.LibertyLendingConsultants.com/St-Louis-Commercial-Loans for a business or commercial refinancing loan. And to choose the best St Louis refinancing loan, you can also give Floyd a call at 314-334-0210 or 877-334-0210.

Source: isnare.com

Permanent Link: isnare.com/?aid=681525&ca=Finances

Aug 26

Purchasing Home Insurance In Lancaster, Pa

byAlma Abell

Homeowners insurance provides valuable protection in more than one way. First and foremost insurance is there to protect your investment. Should your home be damaged or destroyed by a fire or storm, your insurance will provide the money you need to rebuild or repair the damage. If you have someone break into your home and steal possessions or vandalize your property, your homeowner’s policy will also assist with replacing lost items and cleaning up the mess.

Another important protection offered by insurance is liability. This is the part of the policy which protects you if someone is hurt on your property. Should someone be injured by falling down, bitten by your pet or through some other incident, your liability insurance ensures that your property and income are not at risk from a lawsuit.

You are required to have a homeowner’s policy as part of the terms of a mortgage. Lenders need to protect their investment, so they require the borrower to keep their property insured. Many will insist the insurance be included in an escrow account so they can be certain the payments are made and the insurance is kept current.

When purchasing insurance your agent will make certain the policy will not just cover your personal property and what is owed on your loan, but enough to rebuild the same structure. This is important because should the worst happen and your policy only cover the loan, you would be the proud owner of an empty lot.

If you are looking for a competitively priced policy for Home Insurance in Lancaster, PA contact Susquehanna Insurance Management Ltd. They offer home and auto policies as well as life insurance and motorcycle, boat and RV insurance. They have policies which will cover all of your personal needs. Should you also own a business, they provide commercial policies too.

Home Insurance in Lancaster, PA does not have to be confusing or expensive. Most policies are exceptionally affordable and many insurance companies can offer you valuable tips for lowering your premiums. Homeowners insurance is too important to go without, even if you are not required to have it. Do not let what is probably your largest investment go unprotected, get insurance today.

Jun 29

Tips To Buying Homes For Sale

Click Here To Know More About:

byAlma Abell

Housing affordability involves how much money a person can borrow towards a home. People should also take into account the initial costs associated with buying Homes For Sale, as well as ongoing costs associated with home ownership. Using an online calculator can help people determine their options.

A person’s income, credit history, down payment amount, and his or her employment and residence history are all factors that influence the amount of money they can borrow. Depending on the case, the amount a person can borrow may be greater than the amount he or she can pay – so it’s worth asking for money cautiously. Some of the costs associated with buying a house arise before a person begins to regularly pay their mortgage. These are:

* Mortgage application fees* Down payment* Closing costs

Application fees include service charges, which % of the total purchase price. There are also approval, guarantee, and credit report charges. These fees sometimes can be part of the closing costs. The down payment is an initial deposit to be paid if the seller accepts an offer, to reaffirm a person’s intention to buy the property. If, in addition to yours, there are several offers made on the home, a security deposit (also known as “good faith deposit”) can influence the decision of the seller on your behalf.

A person can get better mortgage rates if they make a high down payment, according to the BBB. Down payments can vary between 0% and 20% or more of the total cost of Home For Sale. The ideal range is between 15% and 20%. Mortgage advance payments can also help reduce future payments and interest. Final closing costs generally range between 2% and 4% of the total loan amount. Sometimes closing costs can be transferred to the mortgage loan. Closing costs may include:

* Mortgage application fees* Attorney’s fees* Inspections and appraisals* Search and title insurance policies* Escrow

Do not be intimidated by closing costs. They are paid immediately and many can be calculated by the lender in advance. There are several factors that determine whether or not to buy a house in a certain area, for example; proximity to your work, schools and hospitals, if there are public spaces for recreation, shops, transport routes, etc. Lancia Homes can help people determine which areas are best for them. You can also visit them on Facebook for more information.