Jun 12

Bee Removal As Easy As One, Two, Three!

By Mayflor De Guzman

Bees are useful in nature. They serve as instrument to make pollination in plants possible. They transfer from one flower to another and sip nectar, a main component to make honeybee. In this process, pollen grains stick on the bees body and transfer to another flower thus developing the pollination cycle. But these useful and hardworking bees can also be harmful to humans especially when disturbed. A swarm of attacking bees is dangerous. If you have bees residing in your backyard, youre a possible candidate for a bee sting.

Bee removal in Central Texas and Georgetown Texas has become widespread to the folks in these areas and you, too, can end your fear so read on the following tips on bee removal straight from a Texas beekeeper.

Hire a reliable beekeeper.


Bee removal in Austin Texas is not an easy task. Our bee keeper friends are the right persons to help us in eradicating our homes and surrounding of bees. They are experienced and knowledgeable about this task. Though this option is quite expensive, you will achieve an excellent outcome.

Kill them if you can!!!

This may be a fearful thing to do, but if you are really annoyed and want to make those bees disappear in an instant, here are methods you can follow:

Spray them all. An air compressor which contains strong chemicals like SEVIN is highly recommended. This is best to do when bees are only in few dozens. Your whole body must be fully covered with tough jacket, goggles, mask, hand gloves, and boots. Do this during the night, usually 10-11 pm. Go where the bees are nesting and stand away about nine feet. Point the compressors funnel to the beehives entrance and then pump out the chemical for about four to five times. The results may not take effect immediately. You would hear them humming around during midnight but the following day, you will see them dead. After this, clear out the dead bees, the comb and the brooding to make sure that they will no longer return.

Use a recommended pesticide. If these bees reside in your place for not more than three days, then it is safe to eradicate them by just injecting a highly recommended pesticide right into the wall cavity. You can also remove the bees that are just starting to breed. If youve done it perfectly then, you will get the result that you wantdead bees. Remove the dead bees immediately and block all possible entry to the wall holes with the use of a window screening to avoid another bee incursion on the next season.

You can just neglect them and let them die naturally. This is the best and untiring way to do it. Just leave them alone. Bumblebees, which are less dangerous, dont breed much. During fall season, they just die naturally. So if you can wait until that time comes then live them alone and let nature decide on the course of their fate.

About the Author: Mayflor de Guzman is affiliated with,


, a company offering bee removal in Texas. Visit their site,


, for inquiries and additional information about their bee removal services.



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