Feb 16

Understanding And Managing Profuse Sweating

Profuse sweating, also known as hyperhidrosis, is a condition that is often characterized by excessive sweating. This sweating usually exceeds the needs of the body to cool down and might occur in particular parts of the body, such as the palms, soles, underarms, face, or it may be all over the body. Controlling this condition may be achieved through various methods including an exciting new treatment for hyperhidrosis.

Understanding Profuse Sweating

Hyperhidrosis is a chronic condition that affects both men and women regardless of their age. It is often ignored because many people don’t understand it as a treatable medical condition. Hyperhidrosis is related to the body’s natural response to cool itself down. When you perform any physical activity or the environment is warm, your body sweats to reduce heat. However, in hyperhidrosis, sweating can be excessive.

This disorder can affect everyday life by making social interaction and routine work challenging, leading to embarrassment and emotional distress. It can also ruin clothes, complicate business and social interactions, and poses a severe psychological burden.

Causes of Hyperhidrosis

Although the exact cause of hyperhidrosis is unknown, overactive sweat glands trigger it. Those diagnosed with hyperhidrosis appear to have a genetic predisposition. Essentially, a minor condition can trigger the sweat glands to produce a significant amount of sweat.

Treating Hyperhidrosis: Traditional Methods

First-line treatment options include antiperspirants, iontophoresis, Botox, and oral medications. Antiperspirants are substances that reduce sweating. Dermatologists recommend aluminum-based antiperspirants for those with mild hyperhidrosis. For more profuse sweating, prescription-strength antiperspirants might be required.

Iontophoresis is a treatment typically used for sweaty palms and feet – it utilizes water to conduct a mild electrical current through the skin’s surface. Botox injections are another way to treat severe underarm sweating. Miradry, which uses thermal energy to destroy sweat glands, is yet another traditional, albeit relatively new, treatment

A Revolutionary New Treatment for Hyperhidrosis

Recently, intriguing advances in the medical world have led to a revolutionary new treatment for hyperhidrosis – miraDry. MiraDry is an FDA-approved treatment that uses thermal energy to eliminate the sweat glands in the underarm. It’s a noninvasive procedure that provides a long-lasting solution for excessive underarm sweating. The best part is that these sweat glands won’t grow back after treatment. This treatment has proven to be safe and effective in battling excessive perspiration.


Profuse sweating, while potentially embarrassing and uncomfortable, is a highly manageable condition. From traditional treatments to the cutting-edge new treatment for hyperhidrosis, there is no longer any need to suffer in silence. Consult your healthcare provider today to discuss which route may be best for you.

Jan 09

Sweaty Hands Treatment

Sweaty hands, known medically as palmar hyperhidrosis, is a common condition that affects numerous people worldwide. The symptoms of this condition can cause considerable distress, affecting daily activities and social interactions. Fear not; there are various treatment options available for this often-embarrassing condition.

Understanding Palmar Hyperhidrosis

Before delving into the treatments, it’s crucial to understand what causes sweaty hands. This condition is a product of excessive sweating, beyond what’s needed to regulate body temperature. Although the exact cause is unknown, it’s believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Doctor’s suggest that it can be exacerbated by certain conditions such as anxiety, stress, hormonal imbalances, or certain medications.

Non-Surgical Treatments

Initial approaches to treating sweaty hands are typically non-surgical options like antiperspirants, iontophoresis, and injections. Over-the-counter or prescription antiperspirants can be applied to the hands to reduce sweating. If standard antiperspirants aren’t effective, your doctor may suggest trying a stronger one.

Iontophoresis is another alternative treatment for sweaty hands. It involves passing a mild electrical current through water to the skin. This treatment is thought to work by temporarily blocking the sweat glands.

Injections, like the well-known Botox, can also be used to treat excessive hand sweating. These injections can block the nerves that trigger your sweat glands. However, their effect is temporary and treatments need to be repeated every few months.

Surgical Treatments

If conservative measures fail to decrease the symptoms of sweaty hands, surgical options might be explored. One such treatment is Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy (ETS). This surgical option is considered when non-surgical treatments don’t offer relief, or when the sweaty hands condition is severe.

ETS can reduce or even eliminate the symptoms of sweaty hands for many people, although it’s taken as a last resort due to potential side effects.

Hyperhidrosis Medication

Oral medications are another option for treating sweaty hands. Anticholinergic drugs can decrease sweating but come with potential side effects like dry mouth or blurred vision. One such medication is glycopyrrolate, which is usually offered if other treatments have not provided satisfactory results.

Hyperhidrosis treatment medications can provide considerable relief, but it’s crucial to consider the potential side effects and interactions with other medications or health conditions. Always consult with your healthcare provider for a personalized treatment plan.


Sweaty hands can be more than a mere nuisance; they can disrupt daily activities and interactions. Luckily, various treatment options are available for this condition – from non-surgical interventions like antiperspirants and iontophoresis to surgical options and hyperhidrosis treatment medication.

Remember, each treatment has its pros and cons, and the best treatment option varies from person to person. It’s essential to discuss these treatment options with your healthcare provider to formulate the best treatment plan for your sweaty hands condition.

Oct 19

Change Your Life With Acupuncture Treatment


While people have been practicing acupuncture for centuries, it has just recently become more accepted and mainstream, as doctors are treating patients with neurological, respiratory, and digestive issues without medicine or surgery. As more and more people get help with stress and emotional problems as well, acupuncture treatment will only become more accepted by the medical community and by patients.

Does it Really Work?

Many people ask if acupuncture will really help with their problems, and the answer is yes. People have used acupuncture for two thousand years and the practice is still going strong today. The practice of inserting small needles into acupuncture points will stimulate the person’s nervous system. This releases chemicals that can decrease the pain that the patient is feeling or help the body self-regulate.

Medical or Ordinary Acupuncture

If you are considering acupuncture treatment for a health issue, then you will be faced with making a decision about where you will go for your treatment. While it is possible to go to any home acupuncturist and receive acupuncture treatment, working with an acupuncturist who is trained in Western medicine and acupuncture will give you the best of both treatments. They will be able to intervene medically if necessary, and you can rest assured that they will be monitoring the effects of the acupuncture on your whole body.

Acupuncture can stand alone as a treatment to help you heal from medical problems, or it can be used in combination with other forms of medicine. There are many disorders that can be safely treated with acupuncture, thereby improving the patient’s quality of life. Some issues, such as allergies and pms may seem like a life sentence to live with, but regular acupuncture can help with the symptoms and treat the underlying disorder as well. Visit Robertyoungsacupuncture.com for more information about how acupuncture can help you live a better life. You can also connect them on Facebook for more updates.

Sep 10

Benefits Of Deep House Cleaning In North Charlotte


There is no question that deep house cleaning in North Charlotte will take a good amount of time and effort. However, this is also not something that you will have to do each time that you clean your home. You can stop and deep clean bi-monthly, or monthly, depending on how quickly your home becomes dirty. Even though there is quite a bit of work involved, you should not underestimate the many benefits that are offered by deep house cleaning in North Charlotte.

Improved Air Quality

When you deep clean your home, you need to dust everything. Each different section and portion of your home needs to be completely free from dust, including the carpet, curtains and furniture. If there are high amounts of dust particles in your home, it can lead to excessive sickness and allergies. When you eradicate the dust, you will also be ridding your home of allergens, which can reduce cases of the flu and bouts with asthma.

Reducing Bacteria

Another benefit of deep house cleaning in North Charlotte is that you will be able to get rid of bacteria that thrives in a dirty environment. The more dirt and dust you have accumulated in your home, the more germs and bacteria will be present, as well. These are the microorganisms that are responsible for a number of illnesses, such as skin infections, respiratory tract infections and food poisoning.

When you deep clean everything, you will be able to remove anything that is harboring bacteria. This will include dirty bed coverings, shower curtains and even dirty carpeting. When you clean these areas in your home regularly, it will ensure that your home is completely free from any type of bacteria that can cause diseases. As a result, everyone in your home will be healthier.

Elimination of Clutter

Where there is clutter, there is dust. When you take time for deep house cleaning in North Charlotte you will clear away all the clutter, along with the dust that has accumulated. It is a good idea to get rid of anything that you are not going to use or that you have not used for a period of six months. This will make more free space in your home and allow you to utilize this space in a positive manner.

Keep in mind, excessive clutter and dirt will create stress in your home and inhibit creativity. When you finally clear it away, you will feel much better, mentally speaking. Chances are, deep house cleaning in North Charlotte will also motivate you to keep your home in this state – completely clean and clutter free – ensuring that your home is healthy and happy for everyone who lives there.