Jun 20

Bad Credit Home Loans In Australia

Bad Credit Home Loans in Australia


Brianna Harmer

The enormous global meltdown in the last two years has left a lot of people holding on to loans which they are unable to pay and thereby establishing a bad credit history for themselves. The bad history may be due to their own defaults and due to the tremendous fall in the real estate prices, but the end result has been that good people have become saddled with a bad credit report.

Earlier, anyone with an adverse credit reputation would be unable to access loans of any type from any bank or any lending institution. Currently, there are a large number of people who are stuck in this kind of a situation, who seem to be stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea, no homes and no loans to get new ones.

Fortunately the situation has changed remarkably. Today in Australia or elsewhere in this world, the number of people who hold a good credit history is now in the minority. If lenders were to lend only to these clients, then they would themselves be unable to sustain their business. Hence, they have had to come up with new strategies and new loans to cater to all those who have had an adverse rating in the credit segments. The biggest gainers have been bad credit history clients, bankrupt families and people who have no previous credit history. In order to be able to compete, the rates have also been kept at a fairly reasonable level.


Money lenders and financiers have however made a few changes in the process of choosing the person they will lend to and have changed the minimum perquisites in each application. They do take your history into account, but what is very important to them is how long ago you defaulted on your loans. The more recent the default, the harder it is to get a loan. It is not impossible to get a new home loan, just harder. You can make try to improve upon this report by using credit repair processes which are available, which will correct any anomalies that may exist.

They will take into account the appraised value of your home, your total income (including all your sources of income) and above all your current ability to repay your loans. All these factors will have an impact on the amount of loan which may be sanctioned and the rates charged therein.

Keep a few important facts in mind when you apply for a loan.

Do not hide your credit history.

If you are approved and you repay on time, your credit history will improve, and it will be easier to access other funds.

Be honest about your ability to repay and about the amount of loan you need and can deal with.

If you are able to get a co-signer, especially one with a good credit reputation, the loans will be approved faster.

The loans are available; you just need to look for them carefully, and select the one that suits you the most.

bad credit home loans

have become harder to place in Australia with the recent credit crunch. You are best to try a specialist

bad credit home loan broker


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