Jul 22

How Ulcers Form And How They Affect You

By Greg Garner

Your stomach receives food after it has been moved through the esophagus by muscular contractions. These wavelike movements push food along, contracting behind the food, relaxing in front of it – in an amazing process called peristalsis. When food drops into the stomach, it is broken down for the proteins by the hydrochloric acid and enzymes produced by the stomach lining. The stomach lining also produces a layer of thick mucus that protects it from the hydrochloric acid. The stomach is also capable of the storing of partially digested food for future processing in the small intestines below it.

Education As A Weapon

Sometimes, however, these digestive enzymes, such as the hydrochloric acid and pepsin will soak areas that are not well protected by mucus. When this happens, a gastric ulcer, also called a peptic ulcer, can occur. The stomach lining, or gastrointestinal mucosa, can become unprotected because of two preliminary mechanisms that are believed to help cause ulcers. One is the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) and the other is a bacterium known as H. pylori/ these two can disrupt the stomachs mucus protection process and leave the lining exposed to the acids there. As with most medical ailments, education, as in HIPAA HITECH and other articles are your best protection against illness and disease.

Who Is At Risk

Here are the four main risk factors for ulcer development:

— NSAIDs medications: Dries the mucus coating on the stomach lining

— H. Pylori: bacteria Eats the mucus away on the stomach lining

— Stress: Causes the lack of production of the mucus that lines the stomach

— Smoking: Increases the hydrochloric acid content of the stomach

The Heart Of The Matter


Peptic ulcers cause a unique kind of pain that you will be able to recognize from other stomach problems. It is a dull, achy, yet burning pain that can occur from your midline to the breastbone. It is most often in the very pit of the stomach that these pains occur. They also:

— Start in between meals or come at night. (no one really knows why)

— Cause bloating

— Are accompanied by burping

— Cause vomiting

— Make feel sick to your stomach or nausea

Unique to Ulcers:

— Comes and goes for several weeks, growing in severity

— Antacid helps briefly

— Can last from a minute to several hours

Your Physician

Call a doctor immediately if this happens as it could indicate that the ulcer has eroded through the stomach wall, broken a blood vessel, or the foods that are usually stored for small intestine breakdown are no longer moving from stomach. With an ulcer, this can be dangerous or even fatal. Surgery may be required if:


— You experience the sudden onset of pain that does not go away after a few hours

— Your stool turns black or has blood in it.

— Vomiting what looks like coffee grounds or blood.

Very often, one of these medications may be prescribed that will help to cure a peptic ulcer.

— A proton pump inhibitor, or PPI

— An H2 blocker known as a histamine receptor blocker

— Antibiotic for H. pylori

— A Pepto Bismol type, over the counter medication with bismuth subsalicylate, which will coat the site and protect it from further acid damage


— Smoking

— Alcohol

— Milk

The Temporary Fix Should Be Avoided

Smoking and drinking will not only slow down the healing process; it can make the ulcers much worse. While antacids might make you feel better for a few moments, they inhibit the antibiotics so you should avoid them. Milk, which might also make you feel better for a minute or two, actually promotes the production of stomach acid.

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Sep 16

Dental Louopes, Fundamental Essentials For Dentists}

Dental Louopes, fundamental essentials for dentists


LoupeDirectDentists need a tool which can help them see things inside the mouth of the patient clearly, dental loupes provide such a service to dentists. Nevertheless, dental loupes empower a dentist to see various complications inside the mouth of the patient with precision. A magnification of teeth provides help in determining the degree of damage to a particular tooth. Thus, dental loupes make it possible for a dentist or hygienist that he can see with amazing clarity to provide clinical results.

As dental loupes help in multiple magnification possibilities, dentist is able to perform his job well ranging from periodontics to endodontics to restorative dentistry, etc. amongst others. Additionally, dental loupes come in several forms and shapes to enhance their use-value i.e. dental loupes can be made or bought in varied frame styles, colors, and lens placement, etc. As most of them come with light source, they empower a dentist perform his job effectively even if it is dim or dark.

Several advantages can be cited of using dental loupes and one of them is that these can be used for improved ergonomic posture to perform a job by dentists. As dental surgery takes lots of precision and attention as well long time, dental loupes can be of great use by providing reduced eye, neck and back fatigue. In fact fatigue can reduce the attention level and concentration of the dentist; therefore, using dental loupes can have multitude of importance.

Cavity in teeth can only be detected with the help of sophisticated tools providing large view and this can be made possible only by dental loupes which give enhanced view not only of the cavity but also of the instruments being used. Thus, by better visualization of the oral cavity, dentist can erase the same and provide quick comfort which otherwise could not have been possible. Moreover, when patients see sophisticated tools in disposal of dentist, they feel confident about the doctor and treatment.


Thus, dental loupes ensure increased patient confidence and satisfaction. Nonetheless, as dental loupes come in with added light source, the simple visual clarity improves dentist’s work. A dentist performs his function using the two hands, he cannot use magnifying lens to see things inside the mouth clearly; therefore, the only option left with him is using magnifying lenses in the form of dental loupes which are binocular and usually take on the form of a pair of glasses.

Dentists need a tool which can help them see things inside the mouth of the patient clearly, dental loupes provide such a service to dentists. Nevertheless, dental loupes empower a dentist to see various complications inside the mouth of the patient with precision. A magnification of teeth provides help in determining the degree of damage to a particular tooth. Thus, dental loupes make it possible for a dentist or hygienist that he can see with amazing clarity to provide clinical results.

As dental loupes help in multiple magnification possibilities, dentist is able to perform his job well ranging from periodontics to endodontics to restorative dentistry, etc. amongst others. Additionally, dental loupes come in several forms and shapes to enhance their use-value i.e. dental loupes can be made or bought in varied frame styles, colors, and lens placement, etc. As most of them come with light source, they empower a dentist perform his job effectively even if it is dim or dark.

Several advantages can be cited of using dental loupes and one of them is that these can be used for improved ergonomic posture to perform a job by dentists. As dental surgery takes lots of precision and attention as well long time, dental loupes can be of great use by providing reduced eye, neck and back fatigue. In fact fatigue can reduce the attention level and concentration of the dentist; therefore, using dental loupes can have multitude of importance.

Cavity in teeth can only be detected with the help of sophisticated tools providing large view and this can be made possible only by dental loupes which give enhanced view not only of the cavity but also of the instruments being used. Thus, by better visualization of the oral cavity, dentist can erase the same and provide quick comfort which otherwise could not have been possible. Moreover, when patients see sophisticated tools in disposal of dentist, they feel confident about the doctor and treatment.

Thus, dental loupes ensure increased patient confidence and satisfaction. Nonetheless, as dental loupes come in with added light source, the simple visual clarity improves dentist’s work. A dentist performs his function using the two hands, he cannot use magnifying lens to see things inside the mouth clearly; therefore, the only option left with him is using magnifying lenses in the form of dental loupes which are binocular and usually take on the form of a pair of glasses.

Schultz Loupes is a leading seller of magnifying loupes and

surgical loupes

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from dentists and other medical practitioners, Schultz Loupes produces dental loupes, Flip-Up Galilean Dental, Surgical Loupes, Led Dental Surgical Headlight with Filter System, LED Dental Surgical, Headlight With Filter, TTL Dental Surgical Loupes, etc. amongst others. Visit here http://www.loupedirect.com/

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