Mar 21

Suspected serial killer appears in British court

Friday, May 28, 2010

A man accused of being a serial killer has appeared in Bradford magistrates court in West Yorkshire today charged with three counts of murder. 40-year-old Stephen Griffiths is accused of killing Suzanne Blamires, 36, Susan Rushworth, 43, and Shelley Armitage, 31, all prostitutes.

Griffiths, a former van driver with a degree in psychology and studying for a PhD in criminology, gave his name as “Crossbow Cannibal” when asked. He has been in police custody since Monday when police were alerted to a CCTV recording that appeared to show a murder.

A caretaker had been reviewing footage from the flats where Griffiths lives when he saw footage of a woman and a man enter a flat early on Saturday morning. Two minutes later, she ran out and was followed by the man, who beat her to the ground and shot her in the head with a crossbow. Over the course of the weekend, the man was seen several times with bin bags and a rucksack.

On Tuesday, the day after the arrest of Griffiths, Blamires’ remains were found in the River Aire in nearby Shipley. She had been cut into several pieces and her head was located in a rucksack. Police continue to search for the other two alleged victims; Rushworth has been missing since June last year and Armitage vanished in April.

Police have searched much of Bradford’s red-light district, where Griffiths’ third-floor flat is located. Forensic investigations at the flat are expected to last around three weeks. There are plans to search landfill sites for bodies, and police may yet expand the inquiry to cover three more cold cases, although at present they have not been linked to the current inquiry.

Sniffer dogs have been used throughout the city, and police have been taking away plastic evidence bags. Some alleyways remain closed off. Police charged their suspect yesterday.

Griffiths was known as “the lizard man” in his block of flats owing to his habit of walking his two pet monitor lizards in the area. One neighbour is reported to have quoted him as saying he was studying for “a PhD in murder and Jack the Ripper,” and he has spent time in a high-security psychiatric hospital. During his five-minute court appearance he did not enter a plea, kept his head bowed and fidgeted with his cuffed hands. He said “Here, I guess,” when asked for his address.

As he stood in the glass-fronted dock, guarded by three security officers, he was watched by the families of Rushworth and Armitage, who were accompanied by police family liaison officers. Blamires’ family chose not to be present, but the victim’s mother Nicky Blamires, 54, has told the press that Suzanne was a “much-loved” family member even though she “went down the wrong path and did not have the life she was meant to have.” “Nobody deserves this,” she said. “All these girls were human beings and people’s daughters.”

Griffiths’ morning court appearance was followed by a second one this afternoon, at Bradford Crown Court. This time, he confirmed his name without incident. He was remanded into custody until next month, when he will appear in court again.

British media has been quick to compare the case to Peter Sutcliffe, dubbed the “Yorkshire Ripper”. Sutcliffe was a Bradford killer responsible for thirteen murders and seven attempted murders, including several prostitutes. Since his 1981 conviction he has spent most of the last three decades in Broadmoor high-security psychiatric hospital near London.

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Mar 21

Does Higher Education Cope Up With Todays Market Requirement

The question from these two frameworks is whether a higher education institution is properly equipped and structured to develop 21st century skills embedded in these two frameworks.

Universities and colleges need to review their structure including curriculum, learning environment and assessment system.

In addition to 21st century skills, student profiles are also changing. Learners have integrated digital tools in almost everything they do.

The tools learners use proficiently in their daily lives have been reshaping their learning styles and habits.

Thus, learners begin entering college with a different mindset from generations before them.

  1. Multi-processing refers to the ability to multitask,
  2. Navigating information and understanding screens and images in addition to text literacy,
  3. Constantly discovering new things while browsing digital libraries,
  4. Study in place.

Today’s learners are surrounded by computers (desktops, laptops, and tablets), mobile devices (smart phones) and by the applications installed on them.

These technologies and applications are shaping the way learners think and behave. Learners today are more willing than ever to create online learning communities and take an active role in them. Nehru college chairman p krishnadas is the chairman & managing trustee of college of applied science.

learning in the digital age is as social as it is for today’s learners.

For them, learning is a concrete concept rather than an abstraction and it is interwoven with discovery and reasoning.

Digital platforms are not only where they access social information and resources, but also platforms for learning through the building of social knowledge.

In this regard, learners are both consumers and producers of information. However, concerns in some respects have also been raised.

For example, experts are concerned that learners are not aware of the ethical and legal consequences of their actions and lectures online.

Furthermore, concludes that the students most easily distracted and bored are the most proficient in digital tools.

Also, the ability of learners to masterful use of digital tools and environments may not necessarily translate into the ability to use them for their educational purposes.

The key question here is whether these students are not skilled at using digital tools and platforms for educational purposes or if they are not simply given the opportunity to learn by using these tools in their educational process.

It is certain that today’s traditional teaching methods do not appeal to the learners.

Another change in the learner profile in digital age higher education is the increased diversity of learners.

Today, more and more individuals choose to take an additional university degree or go back to study for a certificate, graduate degree or online course due to the professional requirement because of the skills they acquired first This is simply not enough to perform the tasks at work.

Furthermore, enhanced learner mobility allows individuals from different cultures and ethnic groups to meet in an educational setting. Nehru college chairman p krishnadas is the chairman of nehru college of engineering

All of these new dynamics point out that learners with different demographics such as age, experience, culture and ethnicity, style and pace of learning bring their distinctive traits to the lips. This creates new learning potentials and challenges for the learning environment.

In summary, higher education institutions are facing serious learner challenges in the digital age.

The skills and knowledge students need to acquire in university are changing and evolving into the so-called 21st century skills.

In addition, digital tools and platforms are reshaping the way learners think and behave today, and they begin to study in higher education institutions with different skill sets from generations. before. However, another challenge is that student profiles change as learner mobility increases and learners return to higher education.

With its current structure and functions, higher education institutions are having difficulty in meeting the needs and requirements of today’s learner profiles.

Schools are advised to develop policies and practices relevant to the development of digitally connected technologies that support learners’ abilities in the digital age, focusing on the skills of the century. 21 to review diverse learner profiles.

  1. Instructor

Advances in digital connection technology in the 21st century put another pressure to change in the roles and responsibilities of higher education faculty. The role of the instructor / instructor in the changing educational landscape.

Decades ago, when instructors were the only provider of information and knowledge, now paving the way for an age where information and knowledge distributed on almost entirely accessible digital networks. anytime and anywhere if there is a connection.

This means that learners now have the opportunity to access information and knowledge not only at school through instructors, or at the library through printed books but also from digital archives, websites, and media. social media and online communities and learning networks.

In short, learners in the digital age have access to a variety of online resources and knowledge specialists through online social connections.

However, the role of the instructor in today’s higher education structures is that of the informant. All of this implies that not only the sources of information and knowledge, but the content is also very diverse. Nehru college chairman p krishnadas is the chairman of nehru institute of technology.

Learners are exposed to information that is sometimes contrary to information presented by instructors.

As a result, the information provided by the instructor is constantly being questioned, and the role of providing information is insufficient in the digital age.

For these reasons, the instructors’ role needs to be restructured, shifting from information that provides’ sage on stage ‘to’ guide on the side ‘.

The role of the instructor should be as a learning designer, context and resource provider, and as a facilitator to develop higher-level skills.

While performing newly assigned roles, instructors are asked to take advantage of special innovations of the digital age such as social media, open educational resources, online open courses. mass, complex learning management systems, big data, analytical learning and adaptive learning.

Therefore, one of the basic roles of the instructor must be a learning engineer who designs an effective and engaging learning environment that addresses 21st century learners’ skills and characteristics through the use of digital innovations.

However, this role is not that of a technician writing source code and solving technical problems but rather that of an intellectual that provides the learner with a personalized learning context and quality assurance and performance price.

To be able to effectively fulfill this role, the instructor needs to develop new skill sets in the digital age.

– Century knowledge and skills,

– Balancing direct teaching strategies with project-oriented teaching methods,

Applying the knowledge of child and youth development to the preparation of educators and education policy,

Utilize a variety of assessment strategies to evaluate student performance and differentiate instruction (including but not limited to, portfolio-based, training methods, embedded in the chapter course and synthesis), Nehru group chairman p krishnadas is the chairman of nehru institute of technology.

– Actively participate in learning communities; harness expertise in a school or district through coaching, mentoring, knowledge sharing and group instruction,

– Acting as mentors and coaches at the same level as fellow educators,

Using a variety of strategies (such as formative assessment) to reach diverse students and create environments that support differentiated teaching and learning,

– Pursue continuous learning opportunities and consider long-term career learning as a professional ethics.

In short, the role and qualifications of the instructor are changing alongside that of the learner because of the leading role of digital connectivity technologies in the 21st century.

The major change in the role of the instructor is the transition from “informant” to “learning facilitator”.

This paradigm shift requires the instructor to leave his high seat and sit next to the learner himself and develop new skills.

What higher education institutions need to do in this context is to take the necessary steps to determine the role an instructor needs to perform and the skills they need to develop and act on to support the person. guide as they perform these new roles.

However, the current structure of colleges and universities does not support these new roles and skills because research-based evaluation schemes are unlikely to allow the transition from “teaching” to “facilitate learning”.

  1. Learning environment

Current emerging insights into how learning happens needs to be addressed before addressing how digital innovations are shaping the learning environment and related changes observed in the school environment. internship in the digital age.

Training scientists are observing a shift from traditional learning through information acquisition models to collaborative knowledge-building models in the digital age.

In this era, along with the change of pedagogy, informal learning plays an important role in the formation of individual learning activities.

For this reason, the development of collective cultural practices along with both the organizational and physical structures to support collaborative knowledge building becomes especially important for educational institutions.

On the other hand, colleges and universities are currently having difficulty in providing the necessary organizational structure and material for such activities.

emphasize the mismatch between the current technological and pedagogical innovations and the current structure of universities and colleges.

According to them, in order to recognize the desired changes in the learning environment, the following technology-based reforms should be considered;

  • The transition from standardized learning to personalized learning: The fact that each and every individual must learn the same content in the same way and time is contradictory to the nature of human learning when it comes to learning. to individual differences.

On the other hand, one of the biggest advantages that today’s digital offers is personalization as these innovations allow to define learning styles, interests and accurately identify challenges and difficulties. that each individual is encountering through academic analysis and big data collected throughout the education process.

This way, it is possible to make informed decisions and apply the necessary changes to a custom designed deep learning experience.

In short, leveraging the capabilities offered by these technologies allows the design of adaptive learning environments that are sensitive to individual learning.

  • Moving from standardized assessment to specialization: standardized learning assessed through standardized assessment using a multiple-choice test implies that learners need to learn the same content.

However, this has not been successful in realizing 21st century skills. Digital technologies help identify learner trends and provide personalized assessment tools.

  • Transforming from a knowledge model in memory to a knowledge model in external resources: according to the traditional model, learning means internalizing without consulting external resources.

Therefore, the learners’ ability to recall information without consulting the book, computer or website is assessed.

However, in everyday and professional life, individuals have to solve problems, access external sources of information and perform a number of tasks.

The ability to effectively and efficiently access and use external resources is critical for them to be effective in their social and professional lives in the digital age.

  • Moving from content inclusion model to knowledge discovery model: in the traditional school model, the main goal is to convey all the information learners will need after graduation.

The curriculum is becoming more and more stressful and the textbook is much thicker with an increasing treasure of knowledge.

It is almost impossible to cover all the information and knowledge that students will need in the future during their time at school due to the exponentially increasing amount of information and knowledge.

Therefore, learners need to develop skills such as access to authentic, up-to-date information and how to learn.

Switch from learning through learning to learning by doing: Traditional learning models require learners to acquire specific information, concepts, processes, theories, and formulas.

On the other hand, digital tools help learners perform meaningful tasks based on practice.

For this reason, these technologies allow the creation of learning environments that match a learning-by-work paradigm.

The pedagogical changes triggered by the aforementioned digital innovations require the transition from a one-way learning space (classroom, library, lab) to a multi-dimensional collaborative learning space ( physical, virtual and online). Nehru college chairman p krishnadas is the chairman of nehru college of engineering and research center.

For an immersive and meaningful learning experience in the digital age, the creation of blended learning environments that include digital-social participation plans utilizes the affordability of Digital, mobile, virtual, online, social, and physical space.

Research shows that learners develop better learning outcomes when they are exposed to a combined learning environment compared to a single learning space.

It is predicted that we will see more hybrid learning environments supported by online collaboration tools, personalized learning support software, sophisticated learning management systems. with social learning apps, online games and simulation, and social media apps.

We need to create learning environments that integrate the integration of physical, virtual, online and digital spaces and take full advantage of the affordability of each of these spaces, aware of the free features fees for designing meaningful and profound learning experiences without the constraints of time or place.

In the opinion of experts, there is also a need to develop an understanding of which platforms are more effective in supporting the type of learning through which types of content and activities, so that supply policies and strategies can be developed. Information for reforms that reflect structural and organizational changes in higher education.

Mar 21

US Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan meets with senators on Capitol Hill

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Elena Kagan met with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Wednesday.

US Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan began the first of a long series of meetings with US Senators on Capitol Hill yesterday. Kagan met with eight leading Senate leaders on Wednesday, including Harry Reid (Democrat-Nevada), Mitch McConnell (Republican-Kentucky), Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont), Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) and Jeff Sessions (R-Illinois); she continued the meetings with seven additional Senators on Thursday. Senator Reid called her “the right choice to replace Justice Stevens on the Supreme Court”, while McConnell hoped “that the Obama administration doesn’t think the ideal Supreme Court nominee is someone who would rubber-stamp its policies.”

It is currently unclear what the meetings mean for Kagan: Senator James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) guessed that around half of the Senate’s 100 members already have strong opinions about the nominee. Some Republicans are worried about her move to block military recruiters from Harvard University’s campus to protest the federal “Don’t ask” policy against openly gay and lesbian members of the US military. Kagan’s background is also of concern to some. If confirmed, she would be the first US Supreme Court Justice without ever having held a judicial position in 38 years. Kagan, currently the US Solicitor General, spent much of her early career as a professor of law and the dean of the Harvard Law School. She was previously nominated for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Washington, D.C. Circuit in 1999, but the nomination was unsuccessful.

However, the nominee is also gathering support from both Republicans and Democrats. Despite her controversial decision at Harvard, Senator Scott Brown (R-Massachusetts) said Thursday that he found Kagan to support the military, after meeting with her. In addition, Susan Collins (R-Maine) said that she does not believe Kagan’s “lack of judicial experience in any way disqualifies her” to the position. Neither Senator, however, has committed to supporting Kagan yet, choosing to wait until after confirmation hearings finish this summer. On the other hand, the Washington Post estimates that Kagan will pass the Senate, if only because of the Democratic majority that currently exists there. Most, if not all Democrats are expected to vote for Kagan.

The 50-year-old lawyer was nominated to the highest court in the United States by President Barack Obama on Monday, after current Justice John Paul Stevens announced his retirement earlier. Kagan is seen as a moderate, having been criticized by both left and right-wing politicians, although “she’s identified with the American liberal position”, according to Sessions.

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Mar 21

Senior UK politicians talk at Confederation of British Industry conference

Monday, November 21, 2016

UK Prime Minister Theresa May and opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn both spoke at the annual Confederation of British Industry conference today, talking about Britain after its planned ‘Brexit’ from the European Union, and future plans for business.

Theresa May MP, UK prime minister

May formally announced plans to cut corporation tax from 20%, without giving details, in order to discourage businesses from leaving the UK post-Brexit. Corbyn said in his speech he believes investment by the government on things such as infrastructure improvements is shared ground between Labour and businesses but “businesses will need to contribute” meaning “some increase in corporation tax” under his administration.

Theresa May also toned down plans to put ordinary workers on corporate boards, a campaign promise from running to become leader of the ruling Conservative Party. She said she is working to create a “model that works for everyone” after consulting firms and the general public, with possible plans including panels or advisory committees. The General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress responded by saying “Theresa May made a clear promise to have workers represented on company boards […] This is not the way to show that you want to govern for ordinary working people.” Jeremy Corbyn also criticised this announcement saying “we need to see genuine employee representation at board level, which the prime minister promised, but I see is already backing away from.”

Theresa May also announced she wishes to spend £2Bn annually in research and development, as well as plans to start a small business research initiative to look into helping innovators get ahead. Jeremy Corbyn however said he plans to spend 3% of the UK’s GDP on R&D, significantly more than specified by May.

Jeremy Corbyn’s plans for the UK’s economy focussed on investment. Speaking at the conference he said “First and foremost, a Labour government will prioritise investing in our economy.” As well as the investment in research, Corbyn also promised funds for areas including house building and infrastructure. This would be controlled by the proposed “National Investment Bank”. Corbyn said “Our National Investment Bank will deliver long term strategic investment in our under-powered infrastructure and provide the patient finance that our businesses need across the country.”

May told the conference she would not give “a running commentary on every twist and turn” of the Brexit negotiations. This comes after allegation in the press that she she has no plan to keep under wraps, a claim that has been backed up by an alleged leaked internal government memo that talks about a “lack of overall negotiation strategy” within government.

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Mar 20

Michael Jackson doctor charged with involuntary manslaughter

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dr. Conrad Murray has been charged with involuntary manslaughter in connection to the death of Michael Jackson, who Murray was doctor to. Dr. Murray was with the singer when he died on June 25 last year.

The doctor is alleged to have acted “unlawfully and without malice“. The prosecution’s complaint said that when Dr. Murray gave Michael Jackson a powerful sedative to attempt to assist Jackson with his sleeping, he acted “without the caution and circumspection required”. During rehearsals for a series of return concerts planned in London, England last year, the entertainer had employed the doctor to be his personal physician for the spring. If convicted of the charges, Dr. Murray could be imprisoned for up to four years.

According to Ed Chernoff, Dr. Murray’s lawyer, he will not plead guilty. Speaking on Monday, before the charge was filed, Chernoff stated: “We’ll make bail, we’ll plead not guilty and we’ll fight like hell.” The coroner’s office in Los Angeles, California, US reported that the death of Michael Jackson was a homicide, with the cause being an overdose of sedatives.

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Mar 20

Are There Alternatives To Liposuction?

By Dr. Juris Bunkis

Q: I am a fit 54 year old, have had a face lift and look good for my age, but I have a few fatty deposits over my hips and cellulite that dont go away with exercise and are driving me crazy. I have heard of nonsurgical fat removal is there any way, shy of having liposuction, which will remove my cellulite and fatty deposits?

A: First of all, congratulations on being fit at 54 and for caring how you look! General health wise, there is nothing better that you can do for your body than to keep fit and to keep excess weight off!

In order to answer your question, Id first like to give you some background about fatty deposits and cellulite. We all have fat within our bodies, some fat is necessary, but too many of us have an excess of fat. Our body needs energy to survive, and that energy comes from what we eat or drink. No matter whether you are consuming protein, carbohydrates or fat, the body breaks down the food you take in into tiny molecules. The body uses what it needs to survive, and all of the excess, no matter whether it started as protein, carbohydrates or fat, gets converted by the liver into fat. This fat is transported by the blood to fat cells throughout the body for storage. On days when you do not consume as many calories as are needed for survival, the stored fat gets returned to the liver where it is re-manufactured into usable parts throughout the rest of the body. We all know that fat is stored in different ways and places in different people. Women tend to store their excess fat over the hips, thighs and in the external layer, between the skin and muscles, over the abdominal wall. Men tend to store their excess abdominal fat internally, around the intestines, as well as externally over love handles and the chest.

Cellulite refers to the surface irregularities seen over the thighs, hips, and buttocks of almost all women, and is rarely seen in men. Men and women store fat differently under the skin, men more in horizontal layers with a smooth surface, while women store the fat more in a perpendicular manner, which leads to the objectionable surface lumpiness.


Now that we understand about excess fatty deposits and cellulite, lets discuss what can be done to improve cellulite or remove unwanted fatty deposits. Lets start with cellulite. There have been many, many treatments varying from home remedies, commercially available creams and ointments, wraps, garments and machines that have been promoted as providing cures for cellulite. It has also been claimed that caffeine, through its ability to constrict blood vessels, can make your skin appear tighter and improve cellulite.

I well remember when, about 20 years ago, Endermologie was introduced, received a lot of interest from the press and doctors were lining up to purchase these $150,000 machines. These machines basically used rollers that the company claimed, sent a message to the cells, triggering actions such as fat break down and collagen production. The company claimed that cellulite was removed and inches would come off the treated areas. Multiple treatments were required. After any one treatment, the cellulite did seem to improve, probably from the swelling caused by the localized trauma, but unfortunately, a month later, when it was time for another treatment, all the cellulite would be back in its full glory. What patients ended up with was basically an expensive massage! This machine simply did not live up to its claims or patient expectations.

Next came mesotherapy or Lipodissolve, a non-surgical alternatives to liposuction. Mesotherapy involves a series of injections that may melt away unwanted small, localized areas of fat. While the main ingredients used in these injections vary, the chemical cocktail typically includes phosphatidylcholine/deoxycholate (PCDC), multivitamins, alpha lipid acid, enzymes and plant extracts. Phosphatidylcholine is FDA-approved to break down blood fats that may increase risk for heart disease, but it is not approved for injection or any other purpose. Use of this substance to dissolve superficial fat is performed in an off-label manner. During these treatments, your doctor injects the chemical cocktail into the fat layers. The injection is relatively painless, with no need for anesthesia. The medication produces a chemical reaction which dissolves localized areas of fat. Benefits can be seen within three weeks of the treatment but proponents claim that several treatments, four to six weeks apart, are required to produce the optimal result. After a treatment, the patient can return to their usual activities. Approximately 100,000 Lipodissolve treatments have been performed in the United States and Europe and some papers have been written, showing post treatment improvement, but problems remain, and because of these problems, Kansas and Nebraska, are in the process of enacting legislation to ban Lipodissolve. ANVISA, the Brazilian version of the FDA, banned the use of phosphatidylcholine-based products for injectable fat removal, and Health Canada, the Canadian FDA, has ordered physicians to stop marketing and administering the products. We know that these injections can liquefy fat, but where the fat goes is anyone’s guess. Harmful deposits in the liver or blood vessels could lead to serious medical problems including fatty plaque and increase the risk of heart attack or stroke. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) has reported that infection, disfiguring masses of inflamed tissue and tissue death can occur after Lipodissolve. I have seen a number of previously treated patients with indentations in the treated sites. Ignoring the health issues, from a purely aesthetic point of view, the main problem with Lipodissolve is that the results are unpredictable and that surface irregularities are quite common. Lipodissolve is still in the experimental stage. Clinical studies in the United States that look at the safety and efficacy of Lipodissolve are underway. This is a treatment that we would only recommend under special circumstances at this time.

The latest nonsurgical technique which is being touted as a magical cure for cellulite and fatty deposits is Cryolipolysis, using a machine built by Zeltiq, and promoting a One hour fat fighting treatment. This is a new technology with very little published information and their machine is not FDA approved yet. From what Ive read, probes are placed on the skin that cool the fatty layer to about 5 degrees Celsius, about the temperature in a refrigerator. This damages the fat cells and some will die over the next four months. This procedure does not work on large people, or those with a thick fatty layer because the cold cannot penetrate more than a few cm. But for thin people with very small fatty pockets, it might show some promise. The reason it is not FDA approved yet is because there are questions as to what this cold treatment does to nerves, blood vessels, skin, muscle, etc. long term. I see similar question to those discussed above with the Lipodissolve – where does the fat go, what are the health risks? I simply do not think that loosing an inch off your hips is worth an earlier heart attack!

To summarize, simply put, nothing tops liposuction when it comes to the removal of unwanted fatty deposits (as long as skin laxity is not an issue if it is, a skin resection may be indicated).

Liposuction is the only scientifically proven method for safely removing fat cells permanently and is the top overall surgical cosmetic procedure performed in the United States. A variety of different cannuals are now used for liposuction, but all are inserted through tiny, hidden incisions and recovery after the procedure is relatively quick and uncomplicated. If you have any areas that are of concern to you, your best bet would be to come in to discuss your concerns with a board certified plastic surgeon.

About the Author: Dr. Bunkis, MD, FACS of

Orange County Plastic Surgery

is a Harvard trained, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and has 30 yrs of surgical expertise. Call OCPS at 949-888-9700, email your questions to or visit our


for more information.


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Mar 20

UK hostage Peter Moore released in Iraq

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Satellite photograph of Baghdad from 1996.Image: NASA.

Peter Moore, a British IT consultant and computer programmer who was taken hostage by Iraqi militants during a May 2007 militant raid on the finance ministry in Baghdad, has been released alive and in good health.

He is the only known survivor of a group of five hostages, consisting of himself, three bodyguards, and Alan McMenemy, a security guard from Glasgow. The bodyguards (Alec Maclachlan, Jason Swindlehurst, and Jason Creswell) were later shot and killed, and their bodies have been returned to Britain. McMenemy is believed to have met the same fate. The last time Moore was known to be alive was when a DVD showing him was handed to Iraqi authorities earlier this year.

The five men were captured by a group of approximately forty men disguised as Iraqi policemen in May 2007, who are believed to belong to the Islamic Shia Resistance, an obscure militant organisation also known as the Righteous League. Moore is now in the British Embassy in Baghdad, and is to be reunited with his family as soon as possible, according to Milliband.

United Kingdom foreign secretary David Milliband said that he was “absolutely delighted at his release” after two and a half years of “misery, fear and uncertainty”. He claimed to be in a “remarkable frame of mind” after a “very moving” conversation with Moore. He also asked for the release of McMenemy’s body. He said that no “substantive concessions” had been made by the British government, instead praising Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki for his government’s process of reconciliation.

remember the families of British hostages who have been killed in Iraq and elsewhere

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown issued a statement in which he said he was “hugely relieved by the wonderful news that Peter has been freed”, calling for the British people to “remember the families of British hostages who have been killed in Iraq and elsewhere.” He continued with a pledge that the government would “continue to do everything [it] can to bring British hostages back to their loved ones, including the remaining hostage of the group in Iraq, Alan McMenemy”. He said, “I demand that the hostage takers return him to us.”

Moore’s father, Graeme, said he was “over the moon” about his son’s release, saying, “We are so relieved and we just want to get him home, back now to his family and friends. I’m breaking down, I’m just so overjoyed for the lad. It’s been such a long haul. I know that there have been one or two people working in the background to get Peter released. Peter is a very resilient lad and he always has been because of his background.” He said the British Foreign Office had been “obstructive” with regards to his son’s release.

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Mar 19

Meat Loaf calls off European tour

Friday, November 9, 2007

Meat Loaf in concert in New York, 2004. Image: Mr.Mushnik.

American musician Meat Loaf has canceled the remaining dates of his 2007 European tour on Tuesday. This decision was announced less than a week after the performer prematurely ended a concert in Newcastle upon Tyne.

Earlier reports attributed Meat Loaf’s medical problems at Newcastle to a sore throat. This week’s announcements indicate that the rocker sustained a vocal cord cyst that requires weeks of treatment and possibly surgery.

Despite Meat Loaf’s indication at the Newcastle concert that his career might have ended, a most recent statement on his fan site declared that he would be “coming back strong in 2008” with hopes of new concerts following treatment.

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Mar 18

FBI arrests nuclear engineer and wife on charges of espionage

Monday, October 11, 2021

In the United States on Saturday, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) arrested a couple in West Virginia. Court documents released Sunday allege they tried to sell classified data to a foreign nation.

The Maryland couple, former U.S. Navy nuclear engineer Jonathan Toebbe and his wife Diana Toebbe, were both arrested and charged with violating the Atomic Energy Act. Mr. Toebbe worked on naval nuclear reactors and acoustic quieting. Ms. Toebbe is a teacher at the private Key School in their neighborhood in Annapolis, now on indefinite suspension according to the school.

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland.Image: United States Department of Justice.

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland said in regards to the case, “The complaint charges a plot to transmit information relating to the design of our nuclear submarines to a foreign nation.” The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) alleges the couple tried to sell this information to a foreign agent who was actually an FBI undercover agent.

Documents filed in federal court allege Mr. Toebbe arranged to sell restricted information to a foreign power identified only as “COUNTRY1” over several months via encrypted messages, and that he arranged “drops” of these data on SD cards in various locations in exchange for payments in cryptocurrency.

At the first of the drops in West Virginia, the DOJ alleges Mr. Toebbe hid an SD card in a peanut butter sandwich while Ms. Toebbe acted as a lookout. At the second of these in eastern Virginia, the DOJ charges that an SD card was placed in a chewing gum package. Federal officers arrested the couple at the third drop site, in West Virginia, on Saturday.

Both Mr. and Ms. Toebbe are set to appear in federal court tomorrow in Martinsburg, West Virginia.

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Mar 17

Choosing Door Handles And Knobs For Your Kitchen

Choosing Door Handles and Knobs For Your Kitchen


Jeff Theodore

Shopping for door knobs and handles is just one of the things that you have to be concerned with when it comes to kitchen renovation. When shopping for these vital parts, you do not just pick off those available products that fancy you. The kitchen is a very important room inside the house. That is why it is essential for you to select the most suitable knobs for doors and handles for your cabinets. The following are some factors that need to be considered if you want to get the best door knobs and handles for your kitchen:


— Style – Look at your kitchen and determine its style. Does it look modern? Does it look traditional? Since door knobs and handles come in a variety of styles, you will not have a hard time choosing the ones that will look good with your kitchen. You will want these things to compliment the rest of your kitchen. That is why you should stick with the particular style that your kitchen showcases. If there are existing door handles in your kitchen, decide if you want to stick with their style or if you want to go for a different style. — Finish – Door knobs and handles are also available in a wide array of finishes. So which finish should you select? You should select one that will be able to handle wear well. But just because a particular finish could handle wear well does not mean it is recommendable right away. You should still check if it will match the look and style of your kitchen. Some of the most ideal finishes include chrome, weathered brass, brushed nickel, and antiqued brass. — Budget – Of course, this is a very important factor. When you shop, you will be surprised on how expensive door knobs and handles could be. Before you shop for these parts, you should set a particular budget plan. This is so that you will not spend too much on expensive stuff. Door knobs and handles come in various prices. You might not want to end up purchasing the most expensive ones. If you are remodeling, ask yourself if you really need to replace all the handles in your kitchen. — Locks – There are two types of door knobs – One type has a lock and the other one does not. The same case is true with handles as well. You will easily find traditional handles but there are also ones that come with locks and keys. Thin carefully if you really want door knobs with locks for your kitchen. If some members of the family love to slip into the kitchen during midnight, you might want to go with the traditional lockless knobs and handles. Of course, handles with locks are ideal for cabinets where you store expensive Chinaware. These are the four factors that you need to consider when shopping for knobs and handles and remember, these things are important parts of your kitchen. Door knobs and handles are not just mere decorations and that is why you should really consider the factors above when shopping for these things.

As a designer I really like the difference to a finished kitchen or bathroom

door knobs

and handles can make. And it is a very simple exercise to change

door handles

if you don’t like them.

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