Sports Brands Should Support The Sportsmen

Sports Brands Should Support the Sportsmen


li fei

According to the record of Liu Xiang, we can see Nike\’s marketing. In the capital of Cuba, Havana, we can see a Adidas shop. People there are all celebrating for the win of Roberts. He breaks the record of Liu Xiang. Adidas Company is supporting Roberts in the game. Liu Xiang does not participate in the game, so Adidas can defeat Nike with this chance.

In fact, the top athletes will not meet before a great game. The meeting may influence the following games. In addition, they must be responsible for their own sponsors. When they are defeated, their brand may be defeated at the same time. As we know, Liu Xiang and Roberts are rivals in the game, and their sponsors are opponents, too.


Gan Mingqi, the marketing manager of Adidas indicates that except China, other countries and areas are all celebrating for Roberts\’s breaking record. Among them, Cuba\’s sphere of activities and momentum are greatest in the world. Facing this matter, Adidas should consider the feelings of Chinese. Chinese people are not happy about this. So in China, we should be silent and it will be good for the enterprise\’s brand image.

Adidas is celebrating for Roberts\’s new record in the whole world except. At this time, Nike is awkward for this game? However, Wang Xin tells the reporters that the sports business needs the competition. Liu Xiang\’s record is broke, and we do nothing for this thing. Liu Xiang and Nike Company is partner and we are in equal position. When Liu Xiang faces the difficulty, we should offer our help and make him happy.

According to the deputy secretary general of the Beijing Olympic Economy Research Association, Ji Ning indicates that Nike and Adidas are famous brand in the world. As for these two brands, the brand image, quality and reputation are all similar. Therefore, they must defeat the other through a good marketing strategy. Sport is emotional, and can drive a person\’s mood. If sports marketing has too strong commercial flavor of the business, it will affect the mood of people who watch sports games. But, the marketing should accord with the pursuit and desire of people. As long as they do this, they can make people interested in their brands.

In fact, Nike Company does very well in the advertisements. They used \”12.88 seconds\” as the advertisement only when Liu Xiang broke the world record. Quickly they advertise the spirit of sport rather than his record. It is a clever behavior. For example, Nike\’s newest advertisement \”I Am Fighting\” refers to the spirit of sports rather than Liu Xiang. They just use the image of Liu Xiang to advocate the spirit of movement. So when Liu Xiang\’s world record is broke, the advertisement of Nike is also telling the fact.

The advertisement strain is the most important one in the corporate marketing strategy, especially sports marketing. However, as for some domestic enterprises, their sports sponsorship is just in an initial stage. The companies are willing to sign with famous sportsmen and some ones only sign with Liu Xiang. So once the athlete is in an unstable state, enterprises do not know what to do. The enterprises should keep a watchful eye on the performance of the athletes and change their marketing plan in time.

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