Different Types Of Translation Equipment}

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Different Types of Translation Equipment


Jordan Rocksmith

The world is a much smaller place now than it was just 50 years ago, and this opens countless possibilities and opportunities.


Part of this connection among those who speak different languages can be attributed to translation equipment. It is used every day by various types of businesses and events, such as tour groups, business meetings, and conventions. Here are the general types of translation equipment that are used in these instances.Receiver HeadphonesReceiver headphones are used at any event where translation equipment is needed. The translator speaks into a microphone and the sound is transmitted to all of those who are wearing receiver headphones. This way, a tourist sitting on a bus who speaks a different language from the tour guide can have the same tour experience as everyone else. Likewise, audience members at a business meeting can hear a translation of any speeches that are given in a different language, and those that are at a convention can do the same. The headphones allow for a discreet way to communicate with those who need to listen to a translator.Microphone HeadsetsThese headsets are most often used for tour guide translators. The translator speaks into the microphone and the sound is transmitted to those with receiver headphones. More than one person can be using microphone headsets at a time if there is more than one language needed.TransmittersTransmitters of many sizes and types are used for the microphones and headsets to connect. Some transmitters will need to be plugged in for power. These are usually more powerful and are used for larger audiences, meaning they will need to transmit a signal to more equipment.There are also portable transmitters, which are battery powered and can be used for smaller amounts of transmitted signals, such as tour buses or meetings. These are great for groups that will be more mobile, like walking around a city or a building. As long as the headphones are within signal range of the portable transmitters, they are a great fit for these types of events.ReceiversTransmitters do not communicate directly to the headphones. They actually communicate with the receivers, which then route the sound to the headphones. Those using receiver headphones carry with them small receivers to capture the signal from transmitters. Basically, the order goes like this: From the microphone, to the transmitter, to the receiver, and to the headphones. Receivers can be small and discreet, and they usually are able to be clipped onto a shirt or pants for ease of use.Transport CasesIf you need to use these 4 pieces of equipment, it might sound like a lot of little objects to carry. Some companies will allow you to use a transport case or multiple cases that are specifically designed to transport the equipment. This will keep the equipment safe and make storage and transportation a breeze.Translation BoothsBooths are larger stations where translators can communicate with people. Some booths are designed to simply be a “home base” for translators and their control units for large audiences. Others are designed for a translator to communicate to one other person who is also sitting in the booth with them. There are full-size booths and tabletop booths, depending on your needs.Be sure that you are renting your translation equipment from a dependable and reputable company who offers quality equipment. The quality of your equipment is a big factor in your audience’s experience. Talk to a trusted service near you and ask them about prices, policies, and equipment.

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Different Types of Translation Equipment}

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