Understanding The Upper Endoscopy Procedure

byAlma Abell

Anupper endoscopy in Dallas, TX, also known as the EGD, is a medicalprocedure where a thin scope holding a camera and light is used forlooking at the upper portion of the digestive tract. This includesyour esophagus, stomach and the first part of your small intestine,referred to as the duodenum.

Thisprocedure is typically done as an outpatient procedure. But in somecases, it must be done at the hospital if bleeding in the upper partof the digestive system is suspected.


WhatIs the Procedure Used For?

There are several things the upper endoscopy in Dallas, TX procedure can detect. It is often used for cases of bleeding, issues with swallowing, heartburn, vomiting or nausea and chest or abdominal pain. Endoscopy procedures can also be used for helping to identify issues related to tumors, ulcers and inflammation.

TheDetection of Abnormal Growth

Anupper endoscopy is much more accurate than an X-ray for detectingabnormal growth, such as cancer. Also, other abnormalities can betreated by using an endoscope. Some of these abnormalities includebleeding resulting from cancer or ulcers, objects that are stuck inthe stomach or esophagus, narrowed parts of the esophagus and polyps.

Ifyour doctor has ordered an upper endoscopy in Dallas, TX, be sure toask them what they are looking for. This will give you an idea of thecondition you may be suffering from. Also, knowing what is going tohappen can help you feel less stressed about the situation.

More information about an upper endoscopy in Dallas, TX can be found by visiting the Kedia MD website or calling the staff at +214-941-6891.

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